Why clip-in hair extension doesn’t damage your hair?

You might be considering purchasing clip-in hair extensions but are worried they are not the best choice because they might potentially damage your hair. The question remains, do clip-in extensions damage hair?

This article will discuss why clip-in hair extension doesn’t damage your hair, how to wear your clip-in hair extensions correctly, and the myths associated with clip-in hair extensions.

Hair knotted


Do Clip-in hair extensions damage hair?

The simple answer is no; clip-in extensions do not damage hair. While we understand that from the bad reviews and photos you have seen and heard about, you might have a valid reason to be terrified about clip-in hair extensions. We explain why a clip-in extension is the best for your hair.

Clip-in hair extensions are the best alternative for natural hair because they are explicitly designed not to damage or affect hair growth. They have multiple smooth, small silicone clips holding your hair firmly without pulling or tugging them.

Clip-in hair extensions are easy to wear and style. Since you can wear them without heat styling, you do not have to worry about heat damage. You can wear your extensions and remove them whenever you want to give your hair a breathing chance.

Seamless clip in hair extensions
So, what damages hair? Damaged hair is likely to be caused by excessive heat exposure, harsh products, braiding, dryness, and overwashing; this means that your hair can still get damaged with or without using clip-in hair extensions.

Wearing your clip-in hair extension isn’t tricky, but you should be highly cautious and follow specific procedures during the clipping process. Below is a demonstration of precautions you can take when wearing your clip-in extensions.


How to avoid damaging your hair while wearing clip-in extensions? 


Remove your extension cautiously

remove the clip in hair extensions

Do not remove your hair clip in extensions in a hurry, be cautious and gentle to avoid pulling out the hair. To remove your extensions, comb your hair well and separate them from the clip-in extensions; find places where the clip are joined to the hair and lift them slowly. Avoid yanking out the extension as it can come off with a chunk of your hair and cause damage.

If you have no idea how to remove your clip-in hair extension, you can seek advice from a professional or human hair specialist.


Let your hair breathe

No matter how much you enjoy wearing your extensions, it would be best if you let your hair breathe occasionally. Wearing clip-in extensions continuously for a long time can potentially damage your hair, and that’s why for some time, you should take a breather from wearing extensions, wash your hair with a good shampoo, condition, treat and moisturize your hair, and try out other styles like braiding.

Take care of your natural hair

Take care of your natural hair

Well, this is self-explanatory. Just wearing clip-in extensions does not mean you have to neglect your hair. Wash, condition, and treat your hair regularly. Use products that do not cause build-up. Your hair should be healthy and robust enough to withstand clip-in extensions.  

Continue to follow your hair routine before and after you wear your clip-in extensions.


Don’t sleep with your extensions

Don’t sleep with your extensions

One of the mistakes people make is sleeping in their clip-in extensions. This is a terrible idea since you cannot control your sleep and could potentially tangle the extension or strain, weaken and break your hair. Luckily clip-in extensions are easy to remove, so before you go to sleep, carefully remove them and let your hair breathe.


Avoid using heating tools

Avoid using heating tools

If you continuously use heat styling on your clip-on extensions, you might potentially damage your natural hair. To prevent this, you should consider using a heat-free styling option.

If you use a heating apparatus, consider using a heat protectant. A heat protectant forms a protective barrier between your heating tool, the clip-on extension, and your natural hair. This helps minimize heat damage caused by the heating apparatus you use.


Choose the right extensions for your hair

Choose the right extensions

Consider buying clip-in extensions that are not too heavy for you. Though voluminous hair looks may be better, they might be too weighty, causing strain and weakening your hair roots after continuous use. 

If you start getting discomfort, you should also consider minimizing the number of extensions you install to your hair. Also, avoid purchasing synthetic hair as it can be much heavier than human hair.


Now let’s debunk more myths associated with clip-in hair extensions


Clip-in hair extensions severely damage hair

This sentence is false because clip-in hair extensions don’t damage hair. These are the safest hair extensions available today because wearing them is easy, they do not need adhesives or heat to be attached, and they can be taken out at any time, allowing the hair to breathe. 

To avoid hair damage, remember to install and remove your clip-in hair extension cautiously to ensure your comfort, seek professional help from a hair specialist if you do not know how to wear or remove your extension and limit the number of wefts that you attach to your hair. Lastly, do not sleep in your clip-in hair extension still attached.


1. Clip-in hair extensions can stunt hair growth

 hair growth

This is one of the most common misconceptions associated with hair extensions.

Clip-in hair extensions do not prevent hair from growing if installed correctly and carefully. Since extensions are protective, they can potentially allow your hair to grow. They are super easy to remove, giving you room to practice your hair routine and take care of your hair and scalp as much as you would like.

Your hair might not grow because of poor diet, too much heat styling, using the wrong products, hormonal imbalance, and other medical reasons. Consider eating well and eliminate the use of heat when styling your hair.


2. Clip-in hair extensions cause headaches and migraines

This is not entirely a misconception. If you load your hair with extensions for the first time, you might feel a strain, which is normal. It has not been scientifically proven that clip-in hair extensions can cause headaches, but perhaps if you are not used to adding more weight to your head, you might get uncomfortable.

headaches and migraines

So, what can you do in such a situation? Consider reducing the number of wefts you install until you get used to your clip-in hair extensions. You will find that after a few wears you will be completely comfortable and there will be no more headaches for you


3. Clip-in hair extensions don’t blend

There are various extension types and colors for clip-in hair extensions. You shouldn’t be worried that an extension won’t blend with your natural hair; instead, you should be careful to choose the right one for your hair.

choose the right hair extensions color

If you are not sure what blends best, then seek professional help. When extensions are applied professionally, they will give you the best blend, and no one can suspect that you have an extra load on your hair. Additionally, you can use a curling iron to curl the extension and get a better blend; in this case, do not forget to use a heat protectant and reduce the heat of the iron.


4. There’s only one way you can wear your extension

This is a big misconception since there’s no limit to how many styles you can apply to your clip-in hair extensions. As you already know, clip-in hair extensions are an effective way to revamp your looks by adding volume and length to your natural hair. 

different hairstyle with clip in hair extensions

Styling your extension is possible, and though it might take lots of practice and research to get it right, you can straighten, curl, braid, pin, and play around with more styles until you are perfect.


5. Clip-in hair extensions aren’t too easy to maintain

False; clip-in hair extensions are specifically made for people who do not visit the salon often. You can quickly install your hair extension by yourself and be good to go. However, this does not mean that clip-on hair extensions don’t need maintenance. You can still take care of your extension by brushing and cleaning just like you do your hair. 

hair tools

You can also occasionally take your extensions to a professional for proper maintenance and revamp.


6. Clip-in hair extensions are too expensive

Yes, there are expensive clip-in hair extensions but not all. There is a wide range of extensions in the market that will fit your budget, but if you want quality remy extensions, you should consider investing in expensive ones that will last.

balayage seamless remy hair extensions


The bottom line is that even though there have been many claims of hair being damaged because of using hair extensions, Clip-in hair extensions do not damage hair if properly installed. You should consider researching the topic and consulting a professional if you are to begin your extension journey.

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