How Long Do Hair Extensions Last? Tape-in & Clip-in

Before choosing to get your first clip-ins or tape in extensions, doing how long each kind last can easily save your time and money. Well...and a headache too.

Hair extensions are becoming popular amongst women in recent years because they are the perfect way of changing your look for a day or a month. Here, we will learn how long tape  in and clip in extensions can last for making your natural hair look more luxurious and bouncy.

How Long Tape In Extensions Last?

According to hair professionals, tape in extensions look seamless and natural in your hair between six and eight weeks, at which point you need to go back to the salon to get them re-taped to the appropriate length. 

The same set can be used at least three times before getting them replaced, meaning each set lasts between 4 and 6 months before you decide to purchase a new set.

Pro Tip: Don't wear extensions for too long because it can get frizzy, break, and look more unnatural next to your hair.

Tape in extensions need maintenance techniques, ranging from proper washing to detangling. While getting them installed, make sure to ask your stylist about heating & styling.

Lastly, don't forget to maintain proper moisturize balance and regular appointments with your stylist to make your extension last longer and healthier. 

Do's and Don’ts:

  • Never try to remove or reinstall extensions at home.
  • Avoid wetting your whole head at once. Instead, work with small sections.

All about Clip in Hair Extensions

Compared to synthetic hair extensions, clip in human hair extensions are one hundred percent best and remain persistent for more than three months (with much wear or tear). This type of hair can be easily removed or wore without any professional help; meaning it saves your time and hard-earned money as well.

Many users have suggested that no matter what kind you get, tape-in or clip-in, they need the same care - just like your real hair - matters.

Trust us; if you take excellent care of human hair clip-ins, they can last between 3 to 6 months (medium to heavy use). It covers how you wash your hair (like shampoos, conditioners), how often you style with heating tools, and even using the right hairbrush since these extensions are not attached to your natural hair.

Pro tip: Hair professionals suggested that clip-in is the least damaging, most comfortable to use, and the least permanent type of hair extension. So, washing them with sulfate-free, natural products after 30 wears will cause lesser breakage and damage.


Excellent hair extension brand called Mhot Hair is producing the most delicate, thick, and long hairs - mostly handcrafted for making your natural hair remain healthy and damage-free all the time.

From Mhot Hair, you can choose your favorite type of extensions and feel confident. Mhot strives to deliver one hundred percent natural hair extensions that can make your hair again longer, stronger, and healthier with zero percent damage.

Girls, now you know the secret of every hairstylist in Hollywood. Wink! Wink!

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