“How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!” - Maya Angelou.
We have headed a long way towards gender equality. However, sometimes it might feel like the progress has stopped. Women are seen to hold only 5% of total CEO positions in developed countries. The same ratio implies other big positions as well, creating a big pay gap.
Women experience various kinds of sexual assault everywhere. As a result, women are mostly diagnosed with depression in comparison to men. Ever wondered what the solution is? Women empowerment is the key to improving the position and status of women worldwide.
There is much to do but here's what we can do individually and as a community to uplift women. These are the 20 concrete ways to empower women.
Accept Women's Self-Expression
The narratives of women are greatly underrepresented worldwide. Whenever you see a woman voicing her thoughts or narrating her life, let herself be true to herself and the world. Listen to her, her act of bravery, and allow her to be vulnerable and beautiful in her way.
If you see anyone bullying them, empower women by standing in support of women and remind the other person about their insensitivity.
Compliment Her Intellectual Beauty
“Find your identity, your true self, and live your mission…Your power is your radical self. Find it.” - Aya Chebbi.
Women always get complimented for their poise, charm, and beauty. Is this appreciation enough to empower women and boost their confidence? Absolutely no!
Women have intellectual beauty as well. Just like men, they need to be applauded for their wit and smartness. Talk to them about the unusual compliments that are very rare in today's time.
Remove Unconscious Biases
Unconscious biases are very prevalent, especially in the workplace. Removing these biases promotes equity and empowers women.
“Unconscious perceptions govern many of the most important decisions we make and have a profound effect on the lives of many people in many ways... Unconscious patterns can play out in ways that are so subtle they are hard to spot.” — Howard Ross, Founder of Cook Ross Inc.
People can be biased not just about age, gender, or race, but also things like what someone eats, communication style, or what someone does in their leisure time. This needs to be stopped. We need to stop oppressing women in every way.
Support to All Women
“I am not the woman president of Harvard; I am the president of Harvard.” - Drew Gilpin Faust.
We often assume that the life of a successful woman is a cakewalk. Well, that's not true. Every woman, irrespective of their status, needs support.
There is always something difficult happening in the lives of women and we need to go acknowledge it. Mental illness, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety are often seen in women with good positions. The least we could do is to stop making assumptions about which woman needs our support and who doesn't. Caring about emotional and mental health is always appreciative.
Give me Time to Women!
Women are always burdened with household chores and other responsibilities. They are seen as the fulcrum of the family around which the well-being of every member revolves.
We need to give them their alone time so that they can recognize themselves and venture into this world and emerge victoriously. This also boosts their mental health and the quality of relationship which they have with others. Let them schedule time to rejuvenate their soul and mind!
Always Boost Other Women
Media sourcing, leadership, speaking roles, and conference line-ups prioritize men over women. As a woman, if you are granted this access to choose people to represent at higher positions, promote fair play and give equal chances to women.
Women have equal potential. They just need a chance to outshine the stigma that has been ruining their dreams for ages.
Make Talking About Periods Normal
How many instances have you come across where people feel awkward to openly speak the word 'Periods'? There must have been many, right? People often find it uncomfortable to talk about periods. Talking about the female body and their desires should be as normal as talking about the male body.
Talk to women about their health and whether they need some help. A kind gesture can do wonders. Also, always understand that not all women have easy-going periods or not all women masturbate. Not every individual having periods is a woman.
Support Women-Run Business
The business has always been regarded as a male thing. There's no doubt that women entrepreneurs have started to outshine men.
Empower women by supporting businesses that are run by women. The only thing that they lack is support. They are considered feeble to run a business. This highly impacts capable women.
Do Not Take Away Their Rights To Take Decisions
No man or woman is entitled to take another woman's decision. A woman is capable enough to understand what's right and what's wrong for her. Do not influence her in any way.
Let Them Drive
Women are great cars and bike riders. However, they are often considered the reason for accidents. This false notion needs to be washed away right now. Women are great in every work, even in driving their cars. Do not overlook their abilities.
Always Have An Appreciative Approach For When Smallest Of Things
Many tasks done by women go unnoticed. These include emotional and organizational labor. You can make them feel valued by appreciating them for their endeavors, however small.
Talk about their contribution during meet-ups and gatherings. This not only makes them happy but promotes a collaborative work environment.
Understand Feminism
The word 'feminism' has been misunderstood to such an extent that people think it a joke to be a feminist. Feminism demands equal rights for all. It doesn't take away the rights of men.
Keep supporting women and say proudly that you are a feminist. Man or woman, anyone can be a feminist.
Respect Women of Color

“Last night I was seriously considering whether I was a bisexual or not but I don’t think so though I’m not sure if I’d like to be and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, if you like a person, you like the person, not their genitals.” - Jess C Scott, ‘Tongue-Tied.’
Prioritize trans women, professional women, homemakers, and disabled women. All are humans and just like men, they shouldn't be stopped to enjoy their privileges.
It is the right time to stop indecent activities and start afresh. This is a matter of critical importance. Creating equality for women and challenging conversations that talk against women are necessary.
Keep Reminding Them That They Are Important To You
Women are under constant pressure to look pretty and look after the family. Remind them that they are the most important part of your life and they are doing a great job. Every time you see women playing different roles, thank them for their hard work and patience. This can certainly make their day and make them feel more empowered as their work is being noticed by others.
Talk about Gender Issues Frequently
The gender issue is known by one and all but acknowledged by a few. Every company needs to have a women's forum where they can promote the holistic development of women.
Leadership meet-and-greets, networking opportunities, felicitations, and fun activities need to be done for women. Do not underestimate their voice.
Implementation of Posh Act in Workplace
Our world has eminent women doctors, journalists, actors, students, and other women professionals. Their work has amazed one and all.
The PoSH Law came into Action in 2013, ensuring the safety of women against sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is an unlawful act. Be it the manager, a colleague, staff, or none-employee, if they dare to establish an adverse environment, they must be penalized.
Women in Sports
Sport can improve lives. It has the proficiency to steer gender equality by enlightening women and girls’ teamwork, confidence, resilience, and self-reliance, resilience. Women in sport withstand gender generalities and social norms make motivating role models and exhibit men and women as equal.
We need to encourage women in sports so that empowerment reaches every sector of this world.
Equal Pay
Men and women in the same workplace conducting equal work must obtain equal pay unless any disparity in pay can be explained. Employers must follow it.
Equal pay includes equality in basic pay, non-discretionary bonuses, performance-related benefits, travel allowances, and benefits of all kinds.
Avoid Double Subjugation of Women
Women are doubly subjugated, firstly because of their gender and secondly because of their caste and class. Women in the most settled communities of the world have suffered low status, exploitation, intimidation, and loss of self-determination.
The subjugation of women should be stopped. They should be given more importance so that subjugation stands nowhere in their lives.
Avoid Age-Related Disparity In Big Sectors Like The Film Industry
“It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.” - Emma Watson.